- Case studies -

Client: Director, user experience strategy & design Date: June 17, 2013 Category:

Making successful strategic pivots

I had to make a major decision about what I would do next in my career. My business partner was leaving the country, and I had to decide if I would continue running the business or do something new. I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be. I knew it would be a journey with a lot of unknowns. Given that, it was important that I worked with someone who was professional, authentic and approachable, someone who I felt I could deeply trust, who could communicate effectively, be balanced, direct, honest, intelligent, supportive and resourceful.

Eden fit all those criteria. I also really appreciated working with another professional woman who has a family and understands the factors, trade-offs and considerations unique to various life stages given the decision to work, be in a relationship and have children.

A few specific things I love about working with Eden:

  • How she connects the dots given my own individual needs, experiences and goals
  • Her tips in preparing for big meetings and interviews
  • Her dialogue coaching for approaching challenging conversations and negotiations
  • Always reminding me of my core strengths when times are tough and being able to rely on that as a foundation for myself. Having heard it often enough from her, I’ve been able to incorporate it into my own internal dialogue to get through trickier times.
  • Always bringing perspective – encouragement and realism – to the times we live in today where jobs seem more and more temporary and careers often take many twists and turns
  • Introducing me to people and events



Since working with Eden, I have successfully landed two key positions at companies where I could make the most of my strengths and stretch myself in new areas. In both, I’ve expanded my experience level and increased my salary. I was also able to successfully work as an independent contractor during two key transition phases that could have otherwise felt more unsettling.

I was able to use these as exploratory times to see what types of organizations, people, work and positions I would like to move toward over time and organize my engagements to get what I needed to be successful during specific stage of life situations.

– Director, user experience strategy and design
