Taking stock

new year 2012As I reflect on the experiences and opportunities I’ve had over the last twelve months, 2012 feels, on balance, like a very satisfying year, broken bones notwithstanding.

Some of the high notes include:

  • Serving as a panelist at the Wharton Entrepreneurship Conference, the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Alumni Club career forum and the Women’s Leadership and Mentoring Alliance “Coaching Yourself to Success” event
  • Leading workshops on effective interviewing, networking and career management skills at YearUp New York and Johns Hopkins SAIS
  • Strengthening my collaboration with the great staff, students and alumni of NYU’s Stern School of Business on a variety of career and leadership coaching activities
  • Continuing to expand the scope of my coaching practice, both geographically (particularly on the west coast) as well as by function and sector
  • Attending this year’s Harvard Coaching Conference as well as the recent Women on Boards 2020 12/12/12 initiative to create awareness about the importance of getting more qualified women onto corporate boards
  • Feeling grateful, every day, for the people I meet and the work I do.